Anonymous #9


Dear Dr. Shah and Staff,

I feel compelled to write all of you a sincere letter of thanks. I would have liked to convey these heartfelt thanks to each of you. I would have liked to convey these heartfelt thanks to each of you in person, however this surgery and the excellent care received was the answer to years of prayers and I would have been in tears.

I started my first diet when I was eleven and it has been a long and painful journey for thirty three years to finally find a system that works. I was raised in the Air Force moving every two years throughout the U.S. and Europe. This made it very difficult to establish friendships based on who you are rather than your outer appearance. Needless to say kids can be very cruel as well as some adults. Three years ago, at 330lbs and such severe pain in so many areas that I couldn't ignore it any longer I risked what little pride I had left and sought medical attention. In one summer and three surgeries, God blessed my life. I no longer suffered from severe headaches virtually everyday. I was able to move and walk and bend without pain. I felt as if God had given me a second chance at life. Finally being able to exercise I went from 330lbs to 240lbs and being virtually pain free. God is awesome! Deciding on plastic surgery was not an overnight decision and I knew to even consider it I had to have in place daily exercise and a healthy eating plan. I was very frightened about comming in for the consultation as I realized I still have a long way to go. I wasn't sure how my request would be received. I will be forever grateful for the kind, compassionate, and professional attitude I received from each of you. This surgery is a step towards a life long dream and I will never be able to convey how truly grateful I am. I thank God each and every day for his blessings which includes all of you and the wonderful care I have received. Please accept my gratitude from the bottom of my heart.

All my love and thanks,