Medical Aesthetic Treatments

Endermologie® Cellulite Treatment

Endermologie is our non-invasive cellulite treatment that uses vacuum assisted massage to break down fat cells and smooth out the skin. The procedure stimulates circulation, reduces fluid retention, and improves skin tone, leaving patients with smoother, firmer skin.

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Endermologie® Cellulite Treatment

ENDERMOLOGIE® Cosmetic Cellulite Treatment by Beautologie


What is cellulite?

Cellulite is an accumulation of fat and other elements captured in compartments of connective tissue below the skin. It then creates continuous dimpling, also labeled as an “orange peel” or “cottage cheese” presence of the skin. After puberty, nearly 90% of females are troubled with cellulite.

Why are women apt to develop cellulite?

The female skin is constructed separately than that of a male’s to aid in storing fat during a pregnancy and while breastfeeding and to support the skin to extend during these occasions. Although estrogen levels vary in the body, the skin absorbs fluid, connective tissue in the skin becomes hard, blood and lymphatic distribution declines and fat cell storage are preferred, therefore creating cellulite.

What is Endermologie?

Endermologie is a certified procedure utilizing the Cellu M6 Keymodule machine. This efficiently decreases the presence of cellulite. Plus a circumferential body assessment will be administered to the treated areas for months.

Is Endermologie® new?

Endermologie ® has been a specific procedure for the treatment of cellulite and body contouring since 1986. Over 95,000 treatments are now performed every day in over 95 countries.

How does the machine perform?

Endermologie works with the Keymodule’s soft motorized treatment head. By lightly lifting and rotating the skin, the Cellu M6 Keymodule vitalizes the venous and lymphatic systems, so that toxins are eliminated. Fibroblasts are accelerated to boost collagen and elastin generation, producing a healthier, revitalized skin tone. Connections between the fundamental tissue and the skin that produce the dimpling are discharged, therefore resulting in an even skin profile.

Does Endermologie achieve results?

Yes! Scientific studies from Vanderbilt University, UCLA, and abundant European Universities have established facts of the Endermologie technology. Our very own patients are also living proof of the capability of the treatment.

What is the difference between Endermologie® and Liposuction?

Endermologie® treatments are non-invasive and improve the health of connective tissue. Liposuction is a more invasive surgical procedure aimed at removing deep fat tissue from an area. Our Fresno and Bakersfield doctors often recommend Endermologie® treatments in conjunction with liposuction to minimize the trauma cause by the scarring and inflammation of the procedure and to improve the health of the tissue.

Who performs the procedure?

Each procedure is performed by a certified Endermologie technician. Each Endermologie technician is educated and accredited by Beautologie. We offer Endermologie cellulite procedures in our Bakersfield locations.

comparison chart

Does the procedure hurt?

With our highly trained therapist, and the Endermologie machine's capability of changing intensity, you won't be in pain. It is a non-invasive, relaxing treatment that involves no medical procedures or use of any chemical substances, creams or gels. Many people actually refer to it as a relaxing deep massage.

Does the treatment have any side effects?

The only negative side effect possible is minor bruising for individuals with very sensitive skin. This is very minor when one considers the numerous positive effects that Endermologie has on the body, such as relieving muscle soreness, fading of stretch marks and scar tissue, feeling rejuvenated, and relaxed.

How long is a session? Are problem areas targeted?

A session is about 35 minutes. The predominant focal point of the procedure is focused on the problem areas, however, the whole body must be treated in order to encourage approximate circulation and elimination of destroyed toxic matters.

How many sessions do I need to begin noticing results?

Results differ for each patient, nevertheless a typical patient begins to observe differences after almost 6-8 sessions.

When starting the procedure, how many should I begin with?

To achieve results, it is ideal, to begin with at least a course of 15 sessions. The first 6 sessions should be completed within a two-week time period, the remaining sessions should be completed at least twice a week until your desired look is attained. Maintenance sessions will be needed once the desired look is attained about once a month is adequate for nearly all patients.

How long is treatment continued?

It is recommended that you address a cellulite treatment as a way of life. Like a routine haircut, we need to treat our cellulite regularly as well. If the issue is not addressed in a routine practice, the cellulite will return.

What is worn during treatments?

At the time of your session, you will use a body stocking called Endermo-wear which will be used at the time of all of your sessions. The stocking is used for decency and cleanliness.

Who can undergo the procedure?

Everyone is not a candidate for treatment. It is not for patients with AIDS, infectious progressive diseases, active cancer, circulator or vascular disease, patients taking blood thinners or pregnant women. We encourage our patients to reach out to us with their questions directly.

Does the treatment work on men also?

Definitely. Even though men are not prone to developing cellulite, they might have loose skin or fat trapped under the skin that can be improved by Endermologie. Clinical experience has shown excellent results for problem areas such as "love handles" and loose pectoral tissue. It is an excellent skin toner, and is generally considered the best choice to treat loose skin after weight loss.

Will I lose weight?

Endermologie is not a weight loss program alone. To lose weight you should also get on a diet and exercise plan. You can see accelerated results by combining the Endermologie treatments with a weight loss regimen and exercising daily. You will notice a loss in some inches in circumferential body measurement and clothes fitting better as an outcome of the treatment.

What do I need to do to obtain great results?

Staying hydrated is key. Drinking plenty of water before and after your sessions is a must! During your initial consultation, you will learn the amount of water that your body needs.

Can I expect permanent results?

After you have completed the recommended sessions to reach optimal results, routine maintenance is needed. Routine exercise, an equalized diet and a couple of Endermologie maintenance sessions per month are suggested to aid in preserving your results.

Content written and approved by Darshan Shah, MD Plastic Surgeon.

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What is Endermologie®?
How does Endermologie® work?
Who is a good candidate for Endermologie®?
How long does an Endermologie® treatment take?
How many Endermologie® treatments are needed?
Is Endermologie® painful?
What is the recovery process after Endermologie® treatment?
Are there any side effects or risks associated with Endermologie®?
How long do the results of Endermologie® last?

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